Hands on pasta in Alberobello and Locorotondo to learn the secrets of Apulian cuisine.
If we think of Apulia among the first images that come to mind are for sure the historic centers of Alberobello and Locorotondo: these two localities with their uniqueness and undoubted beauty have been able to conquer everyone’s heart, becoming in the common imagination symbols of a magical land, all to be discovered.
Here participants will be asked to get their hands dirty with local products, such as oil and flour, to learn firsthand the secrets of Apulian cuisine.
The day will end with a dinner with a profoundly Apulian soul at the Leonardo Trulli Resort, which through each course will be able to narrate the history and culinary art of this very tasty land.
Contact me to find out more about the experience and how I can make your vacation perfect!
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